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Apply Now

Please remember to complete your Cash for College Survey

If you are filing a FAFSA, you will need a FSA ID. To create a FSA ID click here .

Fill out and submit the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) if you are an undocumented student.

Fill out and submit the Chafee Application if you were in foster care for at least one day, between the ages of 16 and 18.

Site Information

  • Petaluma Campus - SRJC
  • College
  • 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway Student Engagement & Success Center , Petaluma , CA 94954
  • 7075241545 Ext:
02/20/2025 11:00 AM 2:00 PM

Get personalized help completing financial aid and scholarship applications online. Services available in both English and Spanish. Be prepared with personal and 2023 income information for the student and the parent(s). This workshop is one facet of our Petaluma Financial Aid Fun Fair. Join us to learn more about our services, free food, music, photos, crafts and more.

  • Foster youth assistance
    AB540/CA Dream Act assistance
    Foster youth assistance
  • English
  • Open to community